HTTPS for Your Domain Name
SSL Certificates
Protection and Encryption for Your Website
All of our hosting plans include free SSLs from Let’s Encrypt

/ yearGlobalSign certificate to validate your domain.
Exclusive for sites hosted on our servers.
GlobalSign Wildcard
/ yearGlobalSign certificate to validate your domain and all its subdomains.
Exclusive for sites hosted on our servers.
/ yearSimple validation certificate for quickly adding an SSL certificate
RapidSSL Wildcard
/ yearSimple validation certificate for quickly adding an SSL certificate including subdomains.
Final prices in USD, no fine print.
Certifying for HTTPS
What is an SSL certificate?

The SSL certificate enables encrypted transmission of the content sent and received from your website. This encryption prevents data transferred from the server to a computer or cell phone from being intercepted by malicious third parties. The HTTPS protocol signifies that a site is encrypted with SSL (they can be considered synonymous).
Therefore, SSL certification is the means to offer genuine security to your visitors. This becomes crucial when users of our site need to input sensitive data (such as their address, phone number, or credit card number). Installing an SSL certificate on your site will display a padlock icon in the browser bar, as shown in the image below.
→ SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It’s a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communication security over a computer network.

Types of SSL Certificates
How do SSL certificates differ?
The term ‘simple’ certificates validate a single domain (e.g.,, whereas wildcard certificates validate all subdomains of a domain (e.g.,
The other variation between certificate types is the issuing entity, Comodo or GlobalSign.
All paid certificates are accepted by all devices, whereas the free Let’s Encrypt certificates may encounter issues with very old devices or outdated browsers.

With over 19 years of online experience behind us.
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