guaranteed compatibility

Benefits of our servers

Accelerated by LiteSpeed

We use the LiteSpeed Enterprise web server as well as enterprise hardware to give you the fastest browsing speeds.

SSL Certificates and backups

We include secure access for all Joomla installations, plus automatic daily backups to restore your site in the event of issues with your site or your addons.

Automatic installation

You can install the Joomla version of your choice from the control panel, or contact us and we will do it for you at your convenience.

Advantages of Joomla

Joomla is an easy-to-use app that allows people all over the world to create everything from basic websites to advanced web applications. It is considered a content management system (CMS) and currently manages 10% of the world’s business websites.

By CMS, we mean a web application that facilitates the creation and editing of content, including image and video uploading, publishing, collaboration, reporting, data, and any other online information available on a website.

Open Source

Joomla is developed by a community of volunteers backed by the legal, organizational, and financial resources of Open Source Matters, Inc. This has made it a platform that powers enterprise websites, corporate portals, and government portals alike.

Versatile manager

Joomla is used worldwide to power millions of websites of all types and sizes, including online magazines, business, government, and personal sites. Discover examples of companies using Joomla in the official Joomla Directory.

Easy to use

A simple interface and well-documented resources make it a platform loved by all. Its continuous improvements in usability make Joomla easier and faster to learn and use, saving time and versatility.

Always up-to-date

The open-source approach of the Joomla project means that it is continually revised, expanded, and improved to meet the current and changing needs of its users worldwide. This ensures consistency and modernity.

Joomla in all languages

Joomla’s multilingual capabilities ensure that there are no language limitations when creating your content. The Joomla community is continuously working on translations into more than 70 different languages. This allows you to easily geolocalize your site.

SEO-optimized platform

Joomla comes with powerful integrated SEO tools, ready out-of-the-box: metadata, keywords, mod_rewrite with support for SEF URLs, robots configuration, etc. Your content will shine above other similar sites, giving you an edge.

Flexible and customizable

Because it is open source, Joomla can be customized in any way and tailored to individual needs. Its modular configuration and interoperable design allow developers to create add-ons and integrate external applications to achieve specific functionalities.

Scalable to any project

From regular visits to millions of users, Joomla can scale to meet the needs of small businesses or large organizations. Because of its flexibility and scalability, Joomla has been adapted for use in enterprise, non-profit, government, and community contexts.


Modern and user-friendly interface

Designed to be responsive and accessible, Joomla’s interface allows you to easily navigate between desktop and mobile devices.

Create your site without programming skills

WYSIWYG editor (what you see is what you get) for the creation of content, which gives you flexibility in the way you put it together.


Unlimited menus

With Joomla you can create a main menu, or two, or three, or all the menus and submenus that your project requires.

Flexible Design

Joomla gives you the freedom to employ different templates for specific pages or sections. The designs use very little CSS and all are responsive.


Questions or inquiries?

We are here to help you.